(If you Hear Dr. King, there is both no color and all color reflected in his words.)
Funny thing, didn't even know there was such a thing
as "Reverse Racism" until doing a search to find a picture to go with
this blog post and there is a whole wikipedia
thing about it (however it is not where this pointing is going ... it is about
dropping racism altogether ... having a level playing field even when you think
or feel like there isn't one...seeing one anyway, in spite of what is
believed). This has been coming up again
recently. It came up last semester while
reading all about history (it’s been said it’s called “his story” because
history is written by the ones that win, if you win, you get to tell the story,
but winning doesn’t make a story true.
~Wayne Austin).
It was very discouraging to read some of the things
we have done to each other as humans over the years, centuries in the name of
pretty much you name it … kings, gods, religions, beliefs, gangs we just about
almost don’t need a reason to kill anymore, we just seem to like to kill and
then make up a reason. However, one of
the things that was seen in looking through history was the energy that would
come up around what would seem like “injustice or wrong doing.”
There needs to be a reminder that we will not ever
know the whole story, and that we cannot see the large picture of why things
happen. This is just one example but
take any example from history and place yourself there in that era and see if
you could possibly see it the way you are seeing it now … if we could then
maybe we could see that although the founding Fathers of America left England
because of oppression, they came to America and had slaves while writing “all
men are created equal.” However, if one
could look ahead 200 years, maybe they wouldn’t be so quick to judge because
one has to put their self in the “history” they are reading and imagine what
that time was like … the founding Fathers couldn’t just abolish slavery that
had been going on for thousands of years, but they were genius enough to write
a document which help to lead to the abolition of slavery within 100 years and
to have a black President within a little over 200 years. That is pretty damn amazing.
So yes things can move slowly, minds don’t seem to
change quickly. But if we revert to
“reverse racism” where we go back and look and get angry about injustices that
we cannot do anything about but get angry, without looking at a big picture, to
see things in a way that says, “maybe I am not seeing this correctly.” Then it just takes longer for the mind to
change and it affects everyone around that one that will not let go of the
It takes a spacious mind to allow the possibility
that it maybe wrong about what it sees or believes. That nothing is actually holding one back
right now, accept their beliefs about being held back. “Reverse Racism” is when you use something
from the past to say it is keeping you from being what you want in the present
moment. It is weight that holds everyone
down, the one believing it and all of those around them. It is like a sinking ship that breeds
negativity. And negativity loves
company. To know that you are held back
by nothing, takes the willingness to stand alone. To not share the company with those that
continually complain about how hard the world is and how it is so unfair. This mentality has destroyed many people’s
lives and the ones that don’t even get a good chance of escaping it are the
children, who are listening to the adults around them talk about how life isn’t
fair and that wrongs were done to their people and this goes for every race and
the stories/lies perpetuate themselves into another generation. White’s complain about all the same shit that
black people do and Native American’s complain about all the same things that
blacks and whites do and you name a nationality and we can find a complainer in
there (but some people just like to complain … it’s much easier than leaving
things alone or doing something to make a change in a positive direction). So it is not about “race” really, even though
this post is title that … maybe it should be called “Stop Complaining.” :o)))))
If there is a current injustice and it is bothering
you … don’t speak on it … go do something about it … or leave it alone … but
don’t breed negativity by just complaining about something that happened
without any willingness to be part of the change of making a difference.
If there is something for you to be involved
in. It will show up. Otherwise, look around you … right this minute
look around you. Do you really have
anything to complain about? Really? Aren’t all your needs met? Really, honestly aren’t they. There is nothing to breed fear about or claim
injustice about, unless there is and if there is, it will be something that you
participate in without notoriety, without fanfare, you will do it because you
are called to do it. Real change can
come, by just seeing the world as it is, not stories about the world, just STOP
right NOW and take a look at the world around you … not on TV … the world
you/the world your body is in … right in front of your face … is there an
atrocity there? Is there racism
there? Is there unfairness there? Or is that all just a story you are
telling? Why are you looking for reasons
to not get along, just get along.
We do not need to be in tribes any longer, let us
appreciate what the tribe created culturally, yet the mentality is one that no
longer serves the day we are in. No more
"us" and "them"... that is war. It is time to look at not how different we
are, but how very much the same and in that grows compassion.
Honesty is for the self, for yourSelf. To thine own Self be True.
This speaking comes from one that has no nationality
and yet includes all nationalities, has the blood of all of life in it and yet
it cannot be touched by this world, neither man nor woman. It is the same for you and is held for you
until the day that you claim it as your own. This speaking comes from what we are all in,
that which unites us all ... not separates into categories to breed negativity
and violence.
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