
Wednesday, December 12, 2012


All things that move must die.  This is a thought that appeared this morning during Meditation.  It is a continuation from a walk from yesterday, where Marma (the Chicken) pulled a mushroom out of the ground...took a few bites and then left it.  I went over picked up the broken piece and placed it in my mouth.  As mushrooms are mostly water (like the body) it began to melt and become a flavorful water that then was swallowed.  There was a moment of Awareness of "one Body."  One Body of water that "we" are all In.

So back to all things that move must die.  During Meditation the thought appeared that anything that moves must die.  Take a look for yourself, look at all the things that must die for your day to exist.  Plants and animals must die to give you energy to move about your day.  Just waking up and rubbing your eyes kills thousands of little tiny lifeforms that have been existing on your lashes.  When you go in the shower or bath you drown thousands of others.  Each step your foot makes, if you are not paying attention, crushes and kills grass, plants, flowers, bugs, and millions of things that they eye cannot see.  Cows and goats and anything else that produces a form of milk, spend their lives serving your need to move and expend energy.  Trees are cut down to keep you warm, build your furniture, your home, your pencils and millions of other things that movement requires the trees to die for.  The Earth is stripped of its fish, its soil, it's clean air and it's greenery, so that we can eat, and drive to places to eat what we have taken, which means roads must remove the grass and trees that keep the clean air. This can go on and can take a look at what the energy and movement of your body requires from this life to make that happen.  

But back to "all things that move must die."  All movement is away from who you truly Are...which cannot die.  So if you move, you move in the direction of death.  This does not mean that if you do not move that the body won't die, for the body itself is in perpetual motion and must die or dissolve back into what it came from.  

However, one might be wise to look where they are rushing to get to.  As one slows down, there is more of an opportunity to see where one is going.  As one slows down, less things die, less quickly.  As one slows down, there is less need for energy, which means less food is needed, which means less plants and animals die.  And where was one in a hurry to get to, wouldn't it be their own death?  

The less time you are in a car, the longer your chances are to live, right?  Aren't car crashes one of the number one causes of death?  And if you are driving less, you are doing less damage to the Earth so not only do you live longer but the Earth does too and all the things that one kills with one's car as they barrel down the road to the end, get to hang around a bit longer too.  

This isn't being said to make guilt, it is about Awareness (and possibly some gratitude for all that gives its life for you to live yours).  Begin to Be Aware of where you are headed and take the time to see how much life gives to you so that you have the life you are in.

All things that move will die and will be replaced by something, something will be born in its place, but what is the hurry for the end of what is and the beginning of the new.  If you have ever lost someone you love, you know that it cannot be replaced (this goes for all living things), the exact same does not come.  Everything that gives it's life is unique and precious and will not come again in that same form.  So be Aware of the forms around you...all the forms, not just bodies but everything that you are in, eventually it will not be there, but it is there for you right now.  

Maybe through this Awareness you begin to walk a step slower, drive 5MPH less, eat one less bite, drink one glass less, don't move every time the thoughts say you should, buy one less item, look at what you are eating see if it is really what makes for a body you would want to be in, maybe you smile more and frown less knowing that this all will fade, but that you are lucky enough for the moment to be in it.  As one slows down, less is needed and more is received.  Wait and See. :o)

Death is motion, motion is will begin to know what both appear In as you slow down to take notice, and in that, you may find what is not born and can never die, but what both birth and death appear In.  

Your ownSelf.

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