
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Who You Think You Are is Just an Idea

Just sitting here and there is an obvious sense of emptiness. My Teacher has called it "absence of presence."

When he first shared that I had no idea what he was pointing to...however patience has paid off and although I can't tell you what it is ... I can tell you what it is not.

You can't do anything to become aware of it ... anything you do moves to try to be aware moves you away (and as that is said... really you cant move away from what you are in and so even movement is a lie but that is another topic for another seeming time).

So "I" am an idea.

Anything I would say about myself is actually a lie because I am not an idea...but any thought that says "I" is an idea.

My true identity cannot be identified.

I am not a body but the body is in me.

I look out through all eyes/i's.

I look out of your eyes and out of the dolphins eyes at the same time and see mySelf...there is no separation between the two on how I see.

But thoughts think that there are two things...just remember...just because you think something doesn't make it so and paradoxically because you think it is.

Rest well in are completely taken care of until the end of your days.

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