
Sunday, April 15, 2012


Taking a look at the concept of "me."  "Me" is an idea and accumulation of likes and dislikes from experiences that were had while riding through life in the body you find yourself in.  I was looking at how much easier life has become...the less of a "me" there is. 

Like the less I have things like "my ideas," "my art," "my work," "my family," "my life," "my music," "my favorite _____," <--- fill in the blank...the less resistance there is to life and how it shows up.

Sometimes we have to lose everything that we hold dear.  There is a poem by an amazing Sufi Poet from the 1200s named Rumi, he showed up in my life back in 1999 and has guided me through so many difficult and also amazing times.  Below is one of the poems by him and if you find yourself looking him up...check out Coleman Barks...he immersed himself in Rumi translations and has done an amazing job.

If you would like to hear me read it to here.

So back to this idea of a "me."   We don't realize that we have misidentified ourselves by the thoughts that go through the mind and the preferences we think are so important...all of that masks what is before all of that...the Real You.  The Real You does not have any preferences...doesn't actually care one iota for anything...It (and it is not an it)...just Is.  But because It just is overlooked and the world becomes what all the attention is paid to.

Pay attention to what you think is so important...begin to pay attention to all the things you think you need and see how they are making you experience your life.  Are they making your life harder?  Begin to pay attention when you say "I like this" and "I like that" and this is "my" favorite.  Don't do anything about it...just begin to pay attention.

That's all for now.


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