
Tuesday, September 25, 2012


This morning was a very quiet Meditation and the thought from yesterday about no "I" no problem appeared and it can be seen that someone thinking there is no "I" might in this world seem crazy...but when one Sees ... there is no "I" then it seems crazy that one could have ever believed there was one.

Like when you find out Santa Claus isn't real or that there is no Tooth Fairy...that you had believed in them both so fully and then were told that they don't exist...that is how it is with the "I" we have been told since we are born that this "I" that we think we are is real...but there is no "I."

Then the thought appeared of the "I" being a plant in the soil and it is time for the plant to come out of the appears the questions "who am I?" and that question is the both the Gardener and the shovel for which the plant is dug gently begins to dig up a little soil and a little more and the plant doesn't necessarily want to be dug wants to stay in the ground because it doesn't know where it is it grows some roots.

The roots are the thoughts that say "How" "Why" "Where" and the Shovel continues to dig with the only thought that can answer those thoughts directly and completely into Silence/Stillness and that is "who?"

The roots are how and why and the answer/the digging out is "who?" and no one can do this for must be willing to dig/investigate for yourself.  As you do you begin to find that you are not only the plant/"I" thought but you are also the Gardner and the Shovel.

Eventually and sometimes quite suddenly....all the digging is done and the plant/"I" thought is out and it lays on the soil and thoughts still come to attach to tell it what it is...but they do not stay as long because everything is done and the plant/"I" thought rests in itSelf.

It doesn't know if it will be planted or what it will be used for ...but it no longer needs to because it is not separate from now Sees that it is the whole Garden and that it has always been this had only thought that it was a plant...but now it sees the plant lying on the ground and it Knows that it is not just the plant...but that the plant/"I" thought is in It.

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