
Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Search For Peace

When I got back from the walk this morning where there was the thought “The search for peace is in avoidance of the violence with in you.”  I walked out of the house to go paint and these Martial arts people had these spears in their hands and they were lunging them at each othger and I just started to smile and laughed…it juust seemed so perfectly comical.  Violent…just being in touch with the violence that is in this DNA or body or wherever it comes from…gives it no power really … violence and anger…like it has been said…just energy…labeled energy…but if that energy is avoided or one seeks to fix it…it makes it real and then doesn’t just natural dissapiate because it is kept alive.

True already...any search for away from it.  You are in do not have to physically die to rest in Peace.

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