(Writing is in response to a conversation in Music class on Sexism)
The following is not necessarily about changing your mind it's about opening to all possibilities. There are things to be seen about written “History” because people take things so literally and if we first begin to look at “words” themselves then we might be able to see something about history so that it doesn’t write itself on our minds so deeply and so engrained that it eliminates all other possibilities.
Wrote a Newsletter about “WORDS” and used a lot of words to attempt to reveal to the reader that words really only have the meaning we give to them … yet ultimately are not “real” in themselves. Words are just letters that we use to “attempt” to communicate with one another but true communication comes from the energy the words ride on.
Spent a great many many years looking at words because at a young age it was revealed that they are not real … they are made up by humans but you do not need them to be human … even human … is just a word.
You might like to take a look at the newsletter for a bit more back ground on this … it is the same with math and time and maps, this is not to say there is nothing wrong with them ... they are great tools to use in this world … however, we are trained from when we are very little children to believe in man-made things but not what man itSelf is made of (first things first :o).
Was over 30 years old when it was pointed out that there is no such thing as California or New Jersey or America … they are all concepts … they are lines drawn on land and in Truth they mean nothing … and Native Americans (some not all) knew this Chief Sealth (that is a link to a very good sharing by him) spoke of it to the President, but things take a long time to change and be seen sometimes but just because you draw a line on a map and everyone agrees about the line…doesn’t make the line real…it is still just drawn in the sand (literally) and will eventually be washed away by life, ultimately.
Back to History (which has been called “His Story” because it is told by the ones invested in telling it), history is sort of like a make believe and is only valid by the ones that believe it and usually is used to serve some kind of point that one wants to make. Unless you were there you will not ever really know what went on and even if you are there you only see it from your point of view with the foundation of your own opinions ideas and life experiences written upon what you see … no one really has a clear view of something happening because their life is written on it. You would actually have to be clear and free from who you “think” you are to write History accurately and even then you would have to be above the situation and seeing it from a broader view or you are not writing it from the standpoint of everyone but only from a select few/view. So History really is lies … not bad lies…just made up … usually to the best of that one’s ability….people don’t try to lie they just don’t know they are.
Sex is what makes the world go round … we would not be here (seemingly) without it. There is an intense energy to procreate to keep the species of “human” going. No Sex … no body to be in. This is probably one of the fears humans have of same sex stuff cause if everyone only wanted the same sex then we wouldn’t be here or we would have to change the way we are here … like the body would have to find another way to procreate … the one thing you will find about life is that it is very adaptable.
That may be the fear around "same-sex" sex that comes for some - that there is no way to compete with the same sex so it might also scare people that they may not be able to get any sex if everyone starts wanting the same sex and they don’t. :o)
More food for thought about fear and same sex stuff.
Nothing can hold you down ... it doesn’t matter what your color, your gender, your sex preference is … you will break through just like those before you have if that is what is meant to happen ... doesn’t mean that everyone gets too … if everyone was meant to ... then it wouldn’t be the miracle that it is. However, everyone shines some how and in some way and you don’t have to find how you shine … you let it be revealed to you.
The women’s movement is a war … there are all kinds of wars in the world and if you want something to fight about you can pick from a million different things. Because in this world we are not equal … we are not supposed to be equal … our differences and limitations are the Gift that we get to experience ourSelf as different … however at the CORE of us is the SAME.
Back to war … one of the wars in this world is is the women’s movement. This is not to say there is anything wrong with it … war is a way of one person gathering many to fight for something they want ... something they think they don’t have. When you want something in this world … usually you have to fight for it.
Wanting and fighting are in the same domain.
Wanting is saying “I don’t have” and fighting is saying “give it to me ... you have what I want.”
If you want something bad enough you will go to war for it. So do you want to feel held down … and have a fight to get up … if you are in a female body you can say that being a woman holds you back and you can go out and attempt to prove it and find all kinds of validation for your war.
What you seek you find.
However, you are being offered a different way of being in the world, that if you stop coming from being a man or a woman and coming from the Place/Space of not even being human (because you can see how even using “being human” has made us at war with the other animals of the planet, look who thinks they are at the top of the food chain), you can begin to discover what woman, man, human, animal appear IN.
If you begin to discover who you really Are, then there can be no discrimination of any kind about you. You can stand in yourself in any situation and know that nothing can be said about you … to describe you. You can hear any word called at you and yet none of them are you so they don’t stick.
It doesn’t mean that words will no longer hurt or that people will stop treating people poorly, but you will see the lie of what they do and say. You will begin to read history and appreciate the trials of others but you will not take it as a literal truth, you will know that you cannot know everything, but that what animates you does and whatever you need to know will be revealed to you.
Ultimately, Everything Serves.
We have been so used to being spoon fed everything that we don’t stop and take the time to look for ourselves. You can read until you are about to blow up from information, but do you check to yourself for things.
Do you ask yourself in quiet moments what is it all for?
Who am I?
How did I get here?
Am I here? :o)))))
Do you have the kind of personality that is willing to “not” know everything?
So many want to solve the Mystery, instead of just being in it and yet it is the being in IT, that brings the greatest JOY. :o)
Have just used a bunch of “words” (lies) to point you to what cannot be said. :o)
Maybe you will get glimpses of it … imagine you already have ... that you have had glimpses of what cannot be worded or named or made a concept of … but That which is always and forever Present.
You get the gift right now of being in a body and you get to experience all the things it is capable of experiencing … enjoy it … if you want to feel like you are held back because of it … enjoy that too. Or you can begin to reveal to yourself and others that it is like a really cool car that you have been Gifted with and get to drive around in and check out what this planet is like. Then you are a bubble of light for others (which you already are) and you help others to not to take things so seriously and enjoy the fruits of those that have taken it very seriously for us … so that we can help make it Lighter for others.
Thanks for sparking this writing.
One leaves the battleground once they discover they are already in everything one could ever want. :o)
Links that maybe anyone that is interested might feel like writing some history of their own or if you know a Veteran that might be willing to share.
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